Annual Projects
Pack-A-Sack is a program which delivers school supplies to local children in need, primarily those in shelters.
Participating in Pack-A-Sack is a great way to directly help less fortunate children. Supporting the program is easy! Just purchase a child size backpack and fill it with back-to-school items. Many of these children also need socks, underwear, packs of tissues, hand sanitizers, etc. Including these items along with the other school supplies is extremely helpful.
Pack-A-Sack is held annually before the beginning of each school year. You can check our website starting July 1st to see how you can participate.
The purpose of Adopt-A-Box is to collect and distribute basic personal care items to men, women, and children who are currently staying in shelters or using day centers.
Like Pack-A-Sack, Adopt-A-Box is easy to participate in and is a great way to help those in need. All you need to do is take a shoe box and fill it with basic personal care items such as: toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, baby shampoo, deodorant, underwear, shaving cream, hand lotions, razors, wash clothes, and socks. IHOC typically runs this program in March, so please check our website to find out how to contribute.