The IHOC Family

Rick Fumo

President and Board Member

Profession: Architect
It has been a wonderful journey for me personally to have been involved with IHOC, going on 20 years.
It also has been a great joy to witness the many people, volunteers as well as Board Members, working side by side, in helping those in need.

Sonya Jacobs

Case Manager

Carol Dann

Board Member

Carol is a founder and Board member of IHOC since day one. During that time she has held many different positions including being IHOC’S first Case Manager, grant writer, and fundraiser of the many Banana Split Days and the Mall Walks.

Ed Hess

Board Member

Although a Camden County social worker by profession, I have found many ways to use my “free time” to support others. As a founding member of IHOC, I have served in various committees, from the finance committee to site host. In retirement , I sit on the boards of several organizations including Caring Hearts, Camden Home for Children and the local Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack group. My greatest joy is keeping up with my grandkids, of which I have four. The garden, reading and following sports keeps me out of trouble with my wife, Linda.

Amir Kahn

Board Member

I am honored to be a board member of IHOC. This organization is transformational and has changed hundreds of lives over the past 3+ decades. IHOC offers an amazing platform to serve humanity. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?”

Ruth Morganroth

Executive Director and Board Member

Over 30 years ago I was my congregations coordinator for IHOC’s Hospitality Network. I was inspired to remain connected because I saw how IHOC’s programs change the lives of the men IHOC helps as well as the hearts and minds of volunteers like me.

Nikki Dambly, PharmD, BCPP

Board Member and Mall Walk Chair

I got involved with IHOC as a kid through my grandparents who were heavily involved. Following college and a return to NJ, working as a board certified psychiatric pharmacist, I felt a call to return to IHOC and continue to help those struggling with homelessness, mental health diagnoses, and substance use disorders.

Brian Flynn

Secretary and Board Member

I have been involved with IHOC for a little over ten years. I started as an overnight chaperone for the hospitality program for my congregation. I then served as an overnight chaperone for many of the other congregations. I also help out with the monthly mentor program.

Jean Astman

Treasurer and Board Member

Jean has been involved with IHOC for over 30 years, and is presently the Board Treasurer.  She is also the coordinator for IHOC with St. Bart's church and active with the Mall Walk, decorating, Adopt-a-Box, and the Annual Dinner.

Craig Bickel

Board Member

Profession: Principal & Keystone Realty Advisors
“I am proud to be part of IHOC which offers me as a volunteer the opportunity to pay my blessings forward by helping others looking for a hand up to turn their lives around.”